Baby Digestive Issues
At The Backbone Osteopathy Clinics Southgate, our team of practitioners have had additional training for baby digestive issues.
Here are a few of the more frequent digestive issues our baby patients present with at The Backbone Osteopathy Clinics:
- Constipation
- Frequent watery stools
- Bloating
- Distended/ hard abdomen
- Difficulty burping
- Trapped wind
- Abdominal discomfort
- Excessive/ Explosive flatulence
- Reflux/ vomiting
- Colic
- Disturbed feeding
- Disturbed sleep
- Excessive bowel sounds

How Osteopathy can help with baby digestive issues:
Our team may use a variety of approaches to help ease the symptoms of your babies digestive issues:
"A highly significant reduction in colicky crying and a similarly significant increase in the sleeping period were observed in those infants who received active treatment." Clive Haydena,, Brenda Mullingerb: Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice (2006) 12, 83–90

Gentle structural Osteopathy can relax the baby digestion, relax the muscles and soft tissues and calm the nerves from the neck to the tummy. Using gentle stretches and massage techniques we aim help ease away stresses and strains baby may be experiencing after the birth. We treat the baby's body gently to relax and restore the balance, so they are calmer, feed better and sleep better.
Cranial Osteopathy can help restore balance to baby digestion. By using gentle head and body manipulation we work with the baby's body's own forces and rhythms to heal, relax and promote sleep, digestion and baby's body alignment. So there is no chance of hurting or damaging the baby in any way.
Visceral Osteopathy can relax baby digestion by releasing muscle tension around the organs of the abdomen. This in turn improves the blood supply and healing of the gut and improves the motility or natural movements in the gut to help calm issues such as constipation, bloating/ trapped wind and abdominal discomfort.
Your practitioner may also advise you regarding additional things you can do at home to help baby recover.
For more information and advice on conditions related to Osteopathy for babies please click here…
The Backbone Osteopathy Clinics Southgate team will always ensure that patients seek appropriate medical advice and treatment for themselves, their babies and children alongside any Osteopathic treatment.
We will refer patients back to their GP if a problem is not suitable for Osteopathic treatment.
If digestive symptoms keep coming back or include any of the following 'red flag' symptoms, The Backbone team advises you seek medical advice from your GP:
- High temperature
- Vomiting Green bile or blood
- Becomes Lethargic
- Losing weight
- Blood in stools