Beat the Winter Blues Using Your Body!

Manage your Mental health through Winter.
With Christmas and New year situated in the darkest and coldest months of the year, it’s no wonder that once those occasions have passed many of us experience what is referred to as the ‘Winter blues’. It can leave some of us feeling quite negative and low in energy and mindset.

If you find yourself as one of those people feeling stuck and wanting a natural solution here are a 10 ways to beat the winter blues using your body and senses…

1. Visual reminders: Words and/or images: put up photos on the wall, screen savers, maybe even some reassuring words written on sticky notes around the house or at work, set a few reminders on your phone to come up daily either reassuring you or reminding you how great you are! Also try to go outside and take in some sunshine where possible. Put on your warmest coat and go for a walk in a park. Nature is soothing and healing in so many ways especially visually! Different colours also bring on different emotions and you can add these to your surroundings or even with the clothes you wear! Unsure what colour is best for you? The body normally knows! Notice which colours you are naturally more drawn to:
  • For grounding: reds and oranges.
  • For confidence and self esteem: yellows.
  • For the heart, grief/sadness: pinks and greens.
  • For communication and self expression: blues.
  • For spiritual growth and connection to your ‘higher self’: purples and whites.
2. Hearing: What music uplifts you and makes you feel good? Maybe you could create a fun uplifting sound track you can listen to? Or if you enjoy meditation you might have a few guided tracks you can listen to. I recommend Yoga Nidra for patients as it’s been shown to increase dopamine feel good hormones in the brain and I find it extremely relaxing to listen to!
3. Touch/ Self-Care: For you more tactile people touch can be quite comforting. Pressure Beat the January/Winter Blues. self careon the body helps stimulate the parasympathetic response/relaxation response in the body and can help release oxytocin which is another feel good hormone in the body. It’s an automatic thing, when we bang a part of our body, our automatic response is the rub the area we hit! Self care is my mantra for 2020! Pamper yourself! Reach out to a friend or family for a hug or spend some extra time with your pet if you have one. Book yourself in for your preventative Osteopathy treatment, get that spine aligned! Or book a massage, reflexology or some kind of nurturing hands on treatment, even a facial or manicure/ pedicure can feel nurturing. A warm bath can also act like a comforting hug. There are also weighted blankets available now which add a gentle pressure to your body instigating more relaxation. Take some time to take care of you!
4. Smell: There’s a small structure in the brain called the hippocampus which is connected to memory and directly reduces the stress response in the brain. This is why it takes just one bad experience with a particular food or drink to create a strong reaction whenever you just smell it again! You can use this response in a positive way by finding a small that makes you feel happy, good or brings back a positive memory (it maybe a perfume, cut grass, coffee grains etc). Before you sleep each night smell this item or scent for 10mins. Within a week of doing this, you will be have been exercising and strengthening the hippocampus pathways in the brain and will hopefully be experienced better moods! This also works great for anxiety.
nutrition and dietary advice at The Backbone Osteopath Clinics5. Taste: So mood dips effect each of us differently. For some appetite reduces and some it increases (comfort eating). Make sure that the fuel you are taking in is nurturing for the body. It good to have a balance in your diet as it directly impacts how you are feeling also. A diet high in processed sugars, fats and quick burn carbs will leave you feeling low in energy regardless of your mindset. I find it easier to replace foods rather then completely eliminate them (replace regular bread with sour dough or grains, replace refined sugar with honey, replace some of your coffee with green tea). And give yourself cheat days or meals in the week so you don’t feel like you are missing out. Add more plant based foods. Winter is a great time to be cooking wholesome soups and stews which are an easy and yummy way to boost the plants in your diet and give your brain some nourishing fuel.

Other ways to beat the blues….

6. Exercise/Movement is a great way to increase endorphins in the body which is yet another happy hormone! It can be gym related, a sport or exercise class you enjoy. Or it can be a daily walk, or a dance class you enjoy. Exercise can even be a spot of gardening, playing with the kids, or an exercise class you enjoy.
7. Create space! This can be really therapeutic. It’s a great time of year to detox not just yourself but your environment. Clear out unwanted and unused items, clothes, clutter and things that no longer serve you.
8.Surround yourself with people and environments that uplift you. Your environment really impacts you more then you may realise. If your home or work place doesn’t feel uplifting see if there are ways to improve that. Maybe adding a plant, some candles, or adding some uplifting colours (refer to the visual paragraph). Even just clearing a personal space just for you can be comforting. The same goes for the people you surround yourself with. Be realistic with how much energy you give those around you. Remember that you can’t give from an empty cup.
9. Try something new! Learning new things exercises a structure in the brain called the cerebellum. This is a structure which relays messages from the body to the brain and also helps create balance both physically and emotionally in the mind. Pick one of those things you’ve been meaning to start doing; learning a language, painting/drawing, learning to play an instrument or start singing classes or start that online course you’ve been meaning to! As well as creating balance these activities can help keep you very present and stop the mind from ruminating or wondering off into negative or anxious thoughts. The activity may even inspire you and motivate you to try other new things!
10. Plan some fun! Whether it’s planning a holiday, a weekend away, planning to go for a meal with friends, planning a trip to a museum or show. Organise a few nice things to give you something to look forward to.
I hope these methods inspire you to beat the January/winter blues! If you are feeling low and not up to trying any of these just yet, from my own past experience of depression and anxiety, one of the most valuable things I found was to maintain perspective as it can be very easy to spiral. If you find this happening then it’s important not to suffer in silence.  Please reach out to family or friends or someone who can give you better perspective and help you. Ultimately remember that this is temporary. The season is temporary as is this feeling which is after all, just that….a feeling, a state of mind. Don’t let it define you, because you are so much more. Please take care of you.

Ayshe Ibrahim Registered Osteopath & Owner of The Backbone Clinics.Article By Ayshe Ibrahim D.O, Bsc (HONS) Ost Med- Principle Osteopath. Jan 2020

If the article was useful to you and you are interested in learning more about how to use your body to change your mindset or for treatment of pain conditions , book an appointment for an Osteopathic evaluation. It will be worth it!

Ayshe treats patients at The Backbone Clinic Muswell Hill & Southgate branches. To Book an appointment with Ayshe please click here…

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