Reiki Therapy Explained.

What is Reiki? Reiki is a form of energy healing that was developed in Japan at the beginning of last century. The word Reiki means in Japanese “universal life energy”. It is non-invasive, can be used alongside allopathic medicine and has many benefits. It treats the person holistically, which meaning it treats the person physically, … Read more

Osteo-Yoga: Osteopathy Inspired Yoga

What is Osteo-Yoga? Osteo-Yoga is a practice which combines the long holds of Yin yoga, with restorative poses all taught by an Osteopath who will be applying Osteopathic adjustments throughout the practice. Classes are small group classes of 4-5 people. The main focus of Osteo-Yoga is to restore balance to the body by focusing on … Read more

An Osteopaths ‘Pain-Free Travel’ Tips.

Summer is well and truly here! It’s that time of year where many of you gear themselves up for long awaited holidays and travels.  It’s also the time of year where most of the injuries and issues I treat in my Osteopathy clinic tend to be related to travelling! But why? It’s mainly the fact … Read more

Prevent injury as you transition from spring to summer.

As we transition from Spring to summer, along with the sunshine and warmer weather drawing us into the the outdoors, for some there’s the panic of getting ‘beach ready’ and ‘summer ready’ starting to dawn on them. So how can you prevent injury from happening and ruining your summer prep? In clinic, I can tell … Read more

Studio Classes

Love Yourself, Love Your Health…

What does it mean? Our motto at the Backbone Clinics is; ‘Love yourself, Love your health’. Taking care of our bodies on a physical level is one of the many ways you can start to honour the wonderful being that is you. Simple things like the food we eat, exercise we do, and even taking … Read more

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