With so much media coverage currently and various information available, (some accurate some not so accurate), I thought it may be useful to have a few of the hard facts to hand. Here is a comparison of Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) vs Seasonal flu (Influenza virus) from reliable sources accurate up to 13th March 2020.
- Both are viral infections.
- CoronaVirus/COVID-19 is caused by one virus (the novel 2019 coronavirus now called severe acute respiratory syndrome Coronavirus 2 or SarS-CoV-2).
- Influenza Virus/ Flu is caused by any of several different types and strains of influenza virus.
How it’s Spread/Transmission:
- Both can be spread from person to person through droplets in the air from an infected person coughing, sneezing or talking.
- Both can remain in the air or on surfaces for hours even after the infected person has left.
- Flu can be spread by an infected person for several days before their symptoms appear, and COVID-19 is believed to be spread in the same manner, but we don’t yet know for sure.
- The Coronavirus remains on surfaces and in the air for longer then the influenza virus.
- Can be present with no symptoms for many days after contracting it. (1-4 days influenza vs 2-14 days COVID-19).
- Present with similar symptoms such as; fever, dry cough, tiredness, in severe cases shortness of breath. Both can also present with a runny nose, headache, body aches, vomiting or diarrhoea.
- Can affect people of all ages.
- Can be mild, severe, or even fatal in rare cases.
- Can prove serious or fatal to: Older people, people with compromised immune systems or pre-existing medical conditions (such as Asthma or respiratory issues, diabetes or heart disease).
- Can develop into pneumonia.
- Flu symptoms tend to occur very suddenly whereas the Coronavirus develops gradually.
COVID-19 lasts longer than a flu. - Coronavirus seems to impact children less than Influenza virus.
- As both are viruses and not bacterial infections, antibiotics and antibacterial gels etc won’t work on either.
- Treatment for both is mainly management of the symptoms such as reducing fever, pain relief for the aches etc.
- For more severe cases hospitalisation and additional support may be required (e.g: mechanical ventilation for help with breathing).
- Although we have no cure for either. There are some antiviral medications which can be used to address the symptoms of the influenza virus and symptoms.
- Antiviral medications are currently being tested to see if they can address symptoms of COVID-19.
- Good hygiene: Both may be prevented by good hygiene practices:
– Frequent, thorough hand washing.
– Wiping surfaces in contact regularly with different people. - Keep your immune system healthy and strong:
-Keep to a balanced colourful diet eating at least 5 different fruit or vegetables a day.
-Take probiotics to keep gut health strong as it is vital for healthy immunity.
-20mins daily exercise as a minimum.
– Best vitamins and supplements to take: Vitamin D and B complex.
- Keep your mental/emotional state balanced: This is a challenging one currently with all the panic in the media constantly in our faces. However, when we are in ‘flight or flight’ which is our natural stress response, one of the things that is most impacted is our IMMUNE SYSTEM! So do your best to keep calm. Ways you can do this are:
-Reduce stimulants in your diet such as caffeine, sugar, alcohol and replace with calming foods such as camomile tea.
-Slow breathing practices.
-Surround yourself with calming things…music, colours, lighting, smells (lavender is a nice calming one).
-Gentle exercise such as walks in the park, surrounded by nature and open air or a slow yoga practice at home.
- Be sensible and logical:
– If you have been in areas with contact of many people (such as public transport) then change your clothing when you get home.
Limit contact with people who are infected.
– If you experience any of the symptoms then stay home and reduce contact with others.Do NOT go to the GP but rather call: NHS 111.
-Face masks prove useful in hospital environments but there is little evidence to show that it is beneficial for members of the public to be using them.
- Vaccine: A vaccine is available and effective to prevent some of the most dangerous types or to prevent the flu/influenza virus. There is no vaccine available for COVID-19 although one is in progress.
Now lets get some researched, accurate perspective on the situation…
COVID-19 These stats are according to the world health organisation and are accurate data on 13th March 2020. |
Influenza Virus | |
World wide cases | 132,536 | Estimated 1 billion cases. |
World wide deaths | 4,947 |
Up to 650 000 people die of respiratory diseases linked to seasonal flu each year. Stats according to the World Health Organisation. |
UK cases | 594 |
16380 Stats for Nov 2019- March 13th according to Public Health England PHE National Influenza report. |
UK deaths | 8 |
10,841 Stats from end Feb 2020: week 8 of 2020 according to Public Health England PHE National Influenza report. |
Other Useful Tips…
- There is a lot of advice and warning currently in the media and around us. Some accurate and some quite frankly ridiculous! We are taking precautions at The Backbone clinics to comply with our professional bodies recommendations to keep our space as clean and low risk as possible for everyone’s sake.
- If you are planning on travelling abroad and you and would like information regarding your destination and Coronavirus please click here…
- If you think you may have the symptoms of the Coronavirus and want help you can use the NHS 111 online service. Click here to be taken to the page…
- Please check your resources and where the information is coming from. When in a panic or high stress situation our response comes from a non-logical part of the brain and becomes a reaction rather than ‘logical action’. We have all seen and heard some of the instances this has occurred and may even have experienced this in our environments.
- You can avoid ‘reacting’ and start ‘acting’ by using a some quick
Mindful distraction techniques which also work in any time of anxiety or stress:
-Count backwards from 20.
-Count all the green (or pick a colour) objects in the space around you.
-Count all the different noises you can hear.
-Bring your attention to your body and breath and count 10 breaths whilst noticing how your body moves on the inhale compared to the exhale.
You maybe wondering why you should bother, but by doing this you will ensure the responses and actions you take are a better representation of you rather than of your emotional state (particularly if the emotional state is fear or anger).
I hope this article has answered some of the questions you had regarding this topic and given you a few clear and useful tips on things you can be doing and also has reassured you. Remember that knowledge is power so please check your resources. I wish you a good health and strength.
Article By Ayshe Ibrahim D.O, Bsc (HONS) Ost Med- Principle Osteopath. March 2020 www.thebackbone.co.uk
If the article was useful to you and you are interested in learning more about self care and spinal health , book an appointment for an Osteopathic evaluation. It will be worth it!
Ayshe treats patients at The Backbone Clinic Muswell Hill & Southgate branches. To find out more about Ayshe visit ‘The Backbone Team’ or please click here…