Digestive Disorders
Symptoms of digestive disorders:
A few symptoms to look out for which may indicate that you have a digestive disorder. At the Backbone we recommend seeking advice from your GP to diagnose the severity of the condition first:
- Constipation.
- Incontinence.
- Discomfort and pain when going to the toilet.
- Nausea/Vomiting
- Heaviness and bloated stomach: stomach may feel distended and tender or 'balloon-like tension' when you press it.
- Wind.
- Stomach cramps/pain, particularly soon after or whilst eating.
- Low energy levels.
- Bleeding.
- Please see bottom of page for 'red flags'. These are extreme symptoms which require seeing a doctor immediately.
<li ">Diarrhoea.
These are a few of the more common digestive disorders patients at The Backbone Clinics may present with & research evidence that Osteopathy can help:
IBS/ Irritable Bowels Syndrome:
- "Osteopathic therapy is a promising alternative in the treatment of patients with IBS." J Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2007 Sep;22(9):1394-8.
- "Conclusion Osteopathy improves the severity of IBS symptoms and its impact on quality of life. Osteopathy should therefore be considered for future research as an effective complementary alternative medicine in the management of IBS symptoms." European Journal of Gastroenterology & Hepatology: August 2012 - Volume 24 - Issue 8 - p 944–949
Gastro-Oesophageal REFLUX:
- "Anti-reflux Osteopathic manual therapy significantly decreases the Gastro-Oesophageal reflux disease (GERD)-symptoms and the use of Proton pump inhibitors. 46.7% percent of the patents had no GERD symptoms one year after treatment." Kjell E Bjørnæs1, Geir Elvbakken1, Bård Dalhøi1,Tor Harald Garberg1, Joachim Kaufmann1, Espen Glomsrød1, Ola Reiertsen2 and Stig Larsen3: Clin. Pract. (2019) 16(3), 1109-1115
- "A highly significant reduction in colicky crying and a similarly significant increase in the sleeping period were observed in those infants who received active treatment." Clive Haydena,, Brenda Mullingerb: Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice (2006) 12, 83–90
For more information regarding digestive disorders we see in our baby patients please click here...
Other conditions we regularly observe at The Backbone Clinics:
Osteopathic Treatment
The Backbone team of Osteopaths are experienced in treating digestive disorders. They are trained in visceral Osteopathy.
This involves working along the gut or stomach areas using:
- Gentle soft tissue massage.
- Myofascial release techniques.
- Trigger points and acupressure points.
Consider that the gut is a muscle, your Osteopath will working on improving its function using these techniques. By doing this they can either stimulate a slow functioning system or calm an overactive one. Your Osteopath will also assess the alignment of the pelvis and spine. This is because a misalignment can create compression, making it more difficult for the gut to function. Osteopaths will also look at various points along the spine where the nerves innervating the digestive system are. This way they help stimulate the organ via the nervous system. Again this activates/stimulates the digestive system more. Some of our Osteopaths are also trained in Cranial Osteopathy . So they may also include this technique to help alleviate the symptoms of the digestive issues.
In addition to offering Osteopathic treatments that are safe for all age groups, The Backbone team can advise you on diet and what else you can do to speed you or your childs recovery from digestive problems.

Your diet is very important when dealing with digestive problems.
Useful self-help tips:
- Eat plenty of vegetables and fruit
- Eat fewer processed and fatty foods
- Eat plenty of fibre. Try adding flaxseed or psyllium husks to your meals once a day.
- Drink enough water. Try herbal teas instead of tea and coffee
- Eat moderate amounts
- Plan meals for a time when you can relax and enjoy your food.
Wheat and dairy products can cause digestive discomfort. Experiment with alternatives such as rice or oat milk, and reduce or avoid wheat.
Exercise! It boosts circulation and assists in healthy gut motility.
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If digestive symptoms keep coming back or include any of the following 'red flag' symptoms, The Backbone team advises you seek medical advice from your GP:
- A sudden, persistent change in your bowel movement.
- Bleeding from the back passage.
- Steadily increasing heartburn or stomach pain.
- Night sweats or fever.
- Losing weight unexpectedly.
- Difficulty Swallowing.