Osteo-Yoga: Osteopathy Inspired Yoga

What is Osteo-Yoga?

Osteo-Yoga is a practice which combines the long holds of Yin yoga, with restorative poses all taught by an Osteopath who will be applying Osteopathic adjustments throughout the practice. Classes are small group classes of 4-5 people.

The main focus of Osteo-Yoga is to restore balance to the body by focusing on improving the areas of tightness and weakness in the body based on what I most commonly experienced with patients in my practice as an Osteopath and also using my knowledge of each individuals body in the class.

What Inspired Osteo-Yoga?

As an Osteopath and yoga teacher, I was getting very frustrated seeing patients come in with injuries from yoga, Pilates and also from general exercise classes or training at the gym.

Most injuries seem to be a result of:

-Poor technique and supervision: Large classes mean the trainer is unable to watch over everyone at the same time . Also, most commonly the people needing the most attention hide away shyly in the back!
-Low body awareness: People having little body awareness and push their bodies way beyond its limits just to keep up with the class.
– Poor flexibility and strength: People going to very dynamic classes so they feel like they’ve had a work out rather then focusing on and working on specific problem areas in the body.
-Lack of balance: Going from hectic lifestyles to hectic workouts and wearing the body out. So feeling exhausted rather then restored and losing focus when training.
-Bad posture: Many people have issues walking, sitting and just standing up straight! They then do exercises involving uncontrolled movements where the body is compensating and wearing out!

Also, I found myself in yoga classes thinking…’how nice of someone could adjust this in my back or hip etc’.

A Osteo-Yoga classSo I decided to create a class combining my favourite parts of Osteopathy and yoga. My own ideal class which I now run for my patients.

So who can it benefit?

These classes are suitable for all levels of fitness, ages 18yrs plus. The class is mat based so the ability to lie on a mat and stand up from the mat are vital. Due to the hands on nature of the class, the classes are only available for patients of The Backbone clinic. This ensures the clients had an assessment, a full medical history taken and I am aware of any contraindications ensuring a safe practice for the client.

Here are some of the benefits…

A safe practice:

Osteo-yoga classes provide a safe space to exercise with a regulated and fully qualified Osteopath who knows your body.

Improved posture:

Each session is tailored to work on those common problem areas with a different focus each session.

Increased mobility and flexibility in the body:

It takes 20 seconds for a muscle to elongate and even longer if you want to stretch those more stubborn structures such as tendons, ligaments, joints. Long slow holds mean the muscles have a chance to stretch well and the stretch goes beyond and deep into the fascia, tendons and joints.

Improved strength:

The classes work on flexibility and core strengthening.

Injury prevention & general body health maintenance:

By creating balance within the body, it helps reduce possibilities of damage and injury. Also the small classes and supervision by an Osteopath ensure someone is watching and adjusting you. This ensures you gain the full benefit of the class with minimal risk of injury.

A chance to slow the mind down:

The long holds help build resilience in the mind, and also give the body and mind a chance to slow down.

Improved body awareness:

The regulated pace of the class means you really learn how YOUR body moves, where YOU hold tension, YOUR strengths and weaknesses. You connect to you!

Improved confidence: 

As you feel the obvious improvement you feel more confident in your body. Also the small group classes mean you don’t need to feel shy about saying…’am I doing this right?’.

A great body education!:

You will learn more about the anatomy and functions of the body, muscles, joints etc as there is a short intro of anatomy before each session and throughout the sessions.

By Ayshe Ibrahim Clinic Director, Principle Osteopath and Yoga Therapist. Aug 2019. www.thebackbone.co.uk.

For more information on prices and availability please email: ayse@thebackbone.co.uk or visit our Classes page on our website: www.thebackbone.co.uk.

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