Osteopathy For Babies & Infants at The Backbone Osteopathy Clinics Southgate & Muswell Hill
What is the difference between Osteopathy for adults compared to Osteopathy for Babies and Infants?
As Osteopaths, we believe that a healthy balance and function of the musculoskeletal framework of the body is essential to whole bodies health. This principle still applies to babies and infants. However, Osteopaths use a gentler approach and techniques such as Cranial Osteopathy when treating little ones. As babies skeletons are softer then an adults we handle with extreme care. At The Backbone Osteopathy Clinics Southgate & Muswell Hill our Osteopaths tend to use a combination of gentle Cranial and Visceral techniques in our treatments for babies and infants. Established for over 20 years we are blessed to have seen many of the babies we treat grow into healthy young adults with a healthy body awareness and self care routines.
What are the benefits of Osteopathy for Babies and Infants?
Cranial Osteopathy works with the babies body’s involuntary mechanisms. By doing so we aim to help to restore a calming balance to natural biorhythms using a gentle hands on approach and gentle massage of the baby/ toddlers skull.
Visceral Osteopathy is a gentle hands on approach which works with the bodies organs (such as gut or stomach) aiming address these organs mobility within their natural body position to create more balance, relieve any structural tension, improve circulation all which allows for better function of the whole body system.
Structural Osteopathy is the most commonly known approach our team uses. With it we work with to diagnose and treat the dysfunctions in the musculoskeletal system.

Throughout the many years we have experienced and worked with young patients for a variety of different conditions at our Backbone Clinics. We have found that Osteopathy can help:
- Soothe and relax your baby/infant.
- Aid digestive disorders.
- Relieve tension and inability to relax.
- Improve circulation.
- Improve latch and feeding.
- Reduce musculoskeletal tension in the body, and joint restrictions. For example, at The Backbone Osteopathy Clinics Southgate & Muswell Hill we commonly see babies presenting with tension in the jaw and neck issues such as torticollis, following abnormal positioning of the baby in the womb e.g. breech, or following having an umbilical cord around the neck or following a traumatic or strenuous delivery.
There has been some research showing benefits of Osteopathy for specific conditions. However not enough has been documented. Therefore as a profession Osteopaths are limited to what they can 'claim to treat'. It's unfortunate as Osteopathy provides a non-medical and very natural solution.
The general feedback we get from parents is: "I wish I knew about this treatment sooner!"
What should I expect in my first session at The Backbone Osteopathy Clinics Southgate & Muswell Hill?
A detailed case history will be taken. We recommend that you bring your babies red book to the initial session. They will ask you questions regarding:
- Pregnancy. How the mothers health and emotional condition was through this period.
- Deliver/Labour: An explanation of what happened, interventions taken, medications used etc.
- Baby/Infants presenting condition: What the concerns and symptoms are.
- General Health: Sleep, feeding habits, toilet habits, medical history.
An Assessment will be performed via:
- Observations (looking at babies head shape, symmetry, skin conditions)
- Movement: assessing the spinal mobility and joints.
- Palpation: feeling for areas of tension or discomfort in the body, muscles, abdomen. Where necessary the Osteopath may with parents permission using latex-free gloves examine the babies such reflex intra-orally.
- Reflexes: Rooting reflex, peripheral reflexes and depending on the age of baby/child other relevant reflexes.
At What Age can my baby start having treatment?
At The Backbone Osteopathy Clinics Southgate & Muswell Hill, we see babies as early as a few days after delivery. Osteopathic techniques are both safe and suitable for children at all stages of development.
The Backbone Osteopathy Clinics Southgate & Muswell Hill team will always ensure that patients seek appropriate medical advice and treatment for themselves, their babies and infants alongside any Osteopathic treatment.
We will refer patients back to their GP if a problem is not suitable for Osteopathic treatment.
The Mummy MOT:
We now offer the popular and well known Mummy MOT to help support mums on their wellbeing journey. For more information please click here…