Prepare for Your Treatment at The Backbone Osteopathy Clinics Southgate & Muswell Hill
Patient information: Prepare for your Treatment at The Backbone Osteopathy Clinics Southgate & Muswell Hill...
We would like to reassure all our patients that the Backbone Osteopathy Clinic Ltd Southgate & Muswell Hill and staff take the welfare and health seriously of all our staff and patients. As such we are following all guidelines regarding disinfection and hygiene standards and would like to reassure you that we are a professional practice. To create the safest environment for you and our team, we have made changes to our clinic and procedures which we would like to make you aware of.
These changes are based on UK Government guidelines & recommendations (2020):
For more information regarding the additional precautions we have taken in our clinics please click here...
Booking your appointment...
At this time can we remind you that current medical advice is to stay at home if you have a fever, a sore throat or new persistent cough. At the Backbone Osteopathy Clinics Southgate & Muswell Hill we will not be treating any patients who have any cold or flu symptoms. PLEASE DO NOT attend your appointment if you feel unwell. Please call 0208 886 8698 and any cancellation fee on this occasion will not be charged. Please give us as much notice as you can.
- We recommend you book your appointment online: This requires pre-paying for your treatment which will help reduce your time in the clinic and reduce the number of surfaces you touch. Click here to book online
- If you book your appointment on the phone, you will first be asked if you are experiencing any of these symptoms: A fever, A new persistent cough, a sore throat, a change of sense of smell/taste.

Prepare for your Appointment...
Now you have booked you appointment, you will have received a confirmation email with the appointment details and guidelines regarding the Backbone Osteopathy Clinic Southgate & Muswell Hills new policies. Please check your junk mail if you haven't received it and contact the clinic if you still can't find it. It's time to prepare for your visit!:
- You must complete our pre-visit questionnaire: You will receive a call from one of The Backbone Osteopathy Clinic Southgate & Muswell Hill Team the day before or morning of your appointment to complete a pre-visit questionnaire. This questionnaire is compulsory before your visit and will save you valuable treatment time. Please call the clinic the day before your appointment to complete this if you miss the call.
- It is compulsory for you to wear a face mask or covering on your visit: You can bring your own, or bring a scarf or cover of some form (which you feel comfortable with and can breath with!) to cover the nose and mouth if you don’t have one. There is also the option to buy a mask at the clinic for £5. If you refuse to wear a face mask, unfortunately your treatment will not take place.
- Please bring a towel or blanket to cover yourself if you wish: We have removed our fabric couch covers and are no longer able to provide towels, blankets. We recommend bringing it in a separate plastic bag and washing it in 60 degrees temperature when you get back home after.
- Please attend treatment no more than 5mins prior to your appointment time & please wait outside until asked to come in: This gives us a chance to sanitise the treatment room and air the room out.
- Please attend clinic by yourself: Unless you require a chaperone (for example babies & children under the age of 16). If you are in discomfort and need someone to bring you to the clinic, we ask that they wait outside the Backbone Osteopathy Southgate & Muswell Hill clinic.
- Please note that late attendance will result in reduced treatment time: To comply with the regulations we need sufficient time between each patient to prepare the clinics rooms. If you are driving then please give yourself time to find parking before your appointment. Missed appointments or late cancellations will still be charged for.
- Please note that late attendance will result in reduced treatment time: To comply with the regulations we need sufficient time between each patient to prepare the Backbone Osteopathy Southgate & Muswell Hill clinics rooms. If you are driving then please give yourself time to find parking before your appointment. Missed appointments or late cancellations will still be charged for.
- Please use your toilet facilities at home BEFORE attending treatment. We would like to reduce use of these areas to urgent only and we can make better use of your treatment time.
On the day of your appointment…
You will have received a reminder email two days before your appointment. This gives you an opportunity to cancel or reschedule your appointment if you need to and avoid getting charged our late cancellation fee. Now its time to prepare for your visit!
- Please attend treatment no more than 5mins prior to your appointment time & please wait outside until asked to come in: This gives us a chance to sanitise the treatment room and air the room out.
- Your Practitioner/ Osteopath will ask you to wash your hands on arrival at clinic.
- Please bring your own bottle of water or ask your Practitioner/ Osteopath for a cup of water if you need one: We have removed the tea and other drink options available to comply with health and safety.
- Your Practitioner/ Osteopath will take your temperature with a forehead monitor before the treatment begins. If your temperature is 38degrees or higher, you will be recommended to go home and isolate and treatment will not take place.
- Your Practitioner/ Osteopath will be wearing PPE throughout your treatment: This will include a face mask, gloves and apron. You won’t be able to see our usual smiling faces but please know that we are always happy to see you.
We look forward to treating you!
To read our Patient pre-treatment Information sheet please click here...
To read our COVID-19 Guidance and standard operating procedure please click here...