Traumatic or Strenuous delivery
At the Backbone Osteopathy Clinics we commonly treat babies following a traumatic or strenuous delivery. At The Backbone Osteopathy Clinics Southgate and Muswell Hill, we receive referrals from local GPs, Midwives, Doulas and Lactation Consultants for such cases.
Types of Traumatic or Strenuous Delivery:
Birth positions such as Breech, spine on spine or circumstances such as being compressed due to being a twin/ triplet or sharing the womb space with other structures such as large fibroids can create physical stresses on the babies neck and body. As can having the umbilical cord wrapped around the neck or body.
Interventions such as ventouse, forceps or being partially descended in the birth canal and then taken out via caesarean section can also cause physical stress on the baby.
The most common physical presentations we see following traumatic or strenuous delivery at The Backbone Osteopathy clinics are:
- Jaw tension
- Neck tension and reduced mobility also known as Torticollis.
- Hip tension
- Muscular tension. Muscles feel tough to the touch.
- Tense baby: Crying, fussiness, difficulty settling, colic, sleep disturbances.

Signs your baby may be experiencing physical stress or discomfort from:
- Reduced range of movement.
- Crying or showing discomfort when pressure is put on a specific part of the body.
- Avoiding using one side of the body: e.g: Only rolls one way, only lies on one side.
- Baby rubs or scratches one side of the face/ head or body.
- Latching, Breastfeeding issues.
How Can Osteopathy Help my baby?
We find that Osteopathy helps ease the physical stresses placed on the babies body from pregnancy and traumatic or strenuous delivery. Our team of Paediatric trained Osteopaths use a combination of Cranial Osteopathy, Visceral Osteopathy and structural Osteopathy to help create more balance within the body, the release muscular tension and joint restriction, to help create better spinal and body alignment and improve baby/ toddlers circulation.
If we suspect any concerning issues, our team will refer you to the GP.
At The Backbone Osteopathy Clinics Southgate & Muswell Hill, we offer…
- Pregnancy packages, for check-ups throughout your pregnancy
- A Mother-Baby package.
For more information and advice on conditions related to Osteopathy for babies please click here…
The Backbone Osteopathy Clinics Southgate & Muswell Hill team will always ensure that patients seek appropriate medical advice and treatment for themselves, their babies and children alongside any osteopathic treatment.
We will refer patients back to their GP if a problem is not suitable for Osteopathic treatment.