What Is Acupuncture and How Can It Help Me?

What is Acupuncture?lady with acupuncture

Acupuncture is a system of medicine or treatment. The Chinese and other Eastern cultures have been using this system if medicine to restore, promote and maintain good health for thousands of years. It can offer an effective solution to all manner of today´s illnesses.

So HOW exactly does it work?

Many of my patients ask me ‘How does it work?’. There are many theories regarding how the treatment works. In Traditional Chinese Medicine, it is believe that illness is related to a disruption of energy (Known as ‘Qi’ pronounced ‘Chi’) flow trough the body. Its believed that Acupuncture works by stimulating points along pathways in the body where the energy flows (these are called Meridians) and releases these energy blockages.

There are other Western hypothesis regarding the way Acupuncture maybe affecting the body. Some believe it works through Neuro-hormonal pathways by stimulating beta-endorphins in the brain. This in turn increases the pain threshold. Another theory is that the needles excite the biochemical responses in the body stimulating the pituitary gland via the nerves. This may reduce inflammation and calm the bodies stress response creating a better environment for healing. And some feel it’s linked to the direct stimulation of the nerve endings encouraging healing, or by reducing pro-inflammatory markers in the body which reduce pain and inflammation.

So many theories trying to understand HOW Acupuncture works. What is indisputable is that it DOES work…somehow!

What can Acupuncture be useful for?

The World health Organisation now has an extensive list of diseases and conditions (mostly pain related) possibly treatable by Acupuncture. With increasing evidence of the benefits and more studies showing measurable benefits of this treatment mode, many GPs now no longer discourage their patients from receiving acupuncture, particularly when conventional medicine fails them or when convention treatment entails a lot of adverse side effects. Here is a list of conditions Acupuncture is considered to be beneficial for:

  • Pain relief for a wide range of painful conditions such as headaches, neck aches, sciatica.
  •  Nausea, especially postoperative nausea and vomiting or during pregnancy.
  • Overactive bladder, also known as bladder instability.
  • Menstrual and menopausal problems/Gynecological problems, e.g. period pains and hot flushes.
  •  Improving fertility/ supporting IVF treatment.
  • Allergies such as hay fever and some types of allergic rashes.
  • Some other skin problems such as ulcers, itching and localised rashes.
  •  Emotional/psychological problems such as stress, depression, insomnia.
  •  Addictions such as smoking.
  •  Aiding weight loss.
  • Improving energy levels and boosting immune system.
  • Sinus problems and other respiratory disorders.

Acupuncture is considered suitable for all ages, including babies and children. It can be used alongside conventional medicine.

What should you expect in your session?

In the initial consultation a case history will be taken. You will be asked about your current symptoms, diet, sleeping patterns and emotional state. The Acupuncturist is also likely to feel your pulse and to look at your tongue. Frequency and length of treatment depends on the individual condition.

Acupuncture is a safe treatment. All needles used in our clinics are single-use, sterile and disposable.

Article by Ayshe Ibrahim Registered Osteopath and Clinic Director at The Backbone Clinics. Sept 2019. www.thebackbone.co.uk.

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